When I was traveling in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos (where Theravada Buddhism is very popular) , I saw monks are everywhere. They wake up very early in the morning and do prayers, going out to the streets to receive food offerings and bless the residents, and they are also giving food to the poor.
In some of the villages, their roles are as a doctor, a carpenter, a counselor and a priest for the wedding.
These monks are often in orange, yellow or maroon color robes, 1) 下裙 2)七衣 3)九衣. It's made by white cloth, dyed by boiled twig from Jack fruit.
It's just simply beautiful to see these monks, walking bare footed as part of the Dharma practices, to live with absolutely nothing, follow the vows and their gurus. The objective is to train them to let go on their ego, which is basically will cause the "3 poisons": greed, anger and ignorance. To give up attachment in life and going to the state of mind of emptiness and selflessness.
Many Chinese Malaysians claim to be Buddhist but never practice Dharma or don't even understand the 3 jewels of Buddhism. In my personal understanding, Dharma is the answer of everything and it's an art of happiness. And the ultimate goal is to be free from the six realms (Samsara), including Devas (Gods), Asura (titans), Hungry Ghost, Hell, Animal and Human.
The nature of one's existence is determined by karma. Some realms seem more pleasant than others -- heaven sounds preferable to hell -- but all are dukkha, meaning they are temporary and imperfect.
I learn all this in my journey. It helps in my self-realization, learn to appreciate life and always think of benefiting others (Compassion).
This slideshow is simply amazing.It's captured by a monk, who used to be a professional photographer -- Ajahn Cagino. Ajahn has been in robes for 14 years and most of the time in North Thailand, and these days his dream is to build a Dharma Orphanage Home for the poor children who's suffering from poverty, lack of food, education, taking risk in drug trafficking, and sometimes killed by the gangsters.
In the pictures, it's beyond beauty, it brings you to a place you never been before. And eventually you'll understand what is inner peace.
Gosh, I miss these monks from those countries...
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Thursday, 11 August 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Any Journey is a Pilgrimage
A friend shared this blog with me, and I find it very interesting and inspiring to read. It has a similar definition of traveling as what I've written in 《旅行,是为了放下》. Just wanna share with you guys:
I’m in constant movement and very often I find that my characters need to equally find themselves in a journey.
I believe that we are constantly experiencing transformation and that’s why we need to let life guide us.
How many interesting people you are missing, just because our parents told us “don’t talk to strangers”?
For me, travel is an opportunity by which I was able to advance my career and to stand on my own identity. I learned many things such as cross culture information, human behaviors, geographical variances and many more.With my experience, I define traveling as Below:
Travel is a journey to reach a targeted destination to enrich oneself. It might be for career progression, or for recreation or entertainment purpose. Whatever it be, travel broadens the mind of a person. It refreshes and helps to learn new things, new place and gather useful information. It also provides opportunity to feel and understand new environment. Meaningful travel experiences require genuine inspiration, learning attitude and wonderful adaptability.
I am very thoughtful today. Haunts me still this term around in my head. Stranger. What is the opposite of that? Friend, acquaintance. No idea, someone I know. But who I know really? Me. A nice joke. Is that really so? I really know myself? There are days when I would say yes. Then there are days where I have no idea. I notice more and more that how much strange, unexplored, there is in me. I think it is very important to talk with oneself, the stranger in one’s self and it is important to listen. And it is very beautiful to share my thoughts with others. This is one way to do that. I thank you for that. In love!
When one starts to look inside
what’s other and what’s me
Can one really lay claim to anything… know anything
Identify this is me (that label will be a lie)
We’re everything and nothing
In all honesty…
If I could pick one, it would be ‘Getting lost, or missing your train is when your real journey begins’.
When I travel, I grow. Not because I’m comfortable, but because I’m uncomfortable. I’m challenged to observe strangers and strange customs not from a place of judgement, but from a place of curiosity. Thank you Paulo for showing me that I can take this journey nearer to home as well. Today, for instance, I can observe myself from a place of curiosity and wonder. I can talk to strangers on my path. I can be me.
No matter what journey I take ..emotional ,psysical ..even a diet..I am testing myself ..and its about enjoyment and learning about what makes me happy..I can always set boundaries if I meet the big bad wolf … !!
So, just start the journey out or inside.
whether you go on a journey or whether you stay in your own town, life is a journey, where there are no strangers, just friends you have not met yet.
I recall my mother always talking to everyone, and it is important to listen , that is my great task and mission, to learn to listen to other people’s stories, it is life’s lessons that you write so well afterwards.
What is the appeal of traveling and what do you receive from traveling? Are they reflected to your work? Please let us know what does traveling means to you (Eduard, Twitter)
I’m a pilgrim writer and that inevitably appears in the way my characters deals with space.
I’m in constant movement and very often I find that my characters need to equally find themselves in a journey.
I believe that we are constantly experiencing transformation and that’s why we need to let life guide us.
Every day is different, every day can have a magic moment, but we don’t see the opportunity, because we think: ‘Oh this is boring I’m just commuting to work.’
How many interesting people you are missing, just because our parents told us “don’t talk to strangers”?
You must get as much as you can from any journey, because – in the end – the journey is all you have. It doesn’t matter what you accumulate in terms of material wealth, because you are going to die anyway, so why not live?
You have to look at life itself is a pilgrimage. Therefore, start moving, start talking to strangers!
Travel is a journey to reach a targeted destination to enrich oneself. It might be for career progression, or for recreation or entertainment purpose. Whatever it be, travel broadens the mind of a person. It refreshes and helps to learn new things, new place and gather useful information. It also provides opportunity to feel and understand new environment. Meaningful travel experiences require genuine inspiration, learning attitude and wonderful adaptability.
I am very thoughtful today. Haunts me still this term around in my head. Stranger. What is the opposite of that? Friend, acquaintance. No idea, someone I know. But who I know really? Me. A nice joke. Is that really so? I really know myself? There are days when I would say yes. Then there are days where I have no idea. I notice more and more that how much strange, unexplored, there is in me. I think it is very important to talk with oneself, the stranger in one’s self and it is important to listen. And it is very beautiful to share my thoughts with others. This is one way to do that. I thank you for that. In love!
When one starts to look inside
what’s other and what’s me
Can one really lay claim to anything… know anything
Identify this is me (that label will be a lie)
We’re everything and nothing
In all honesty…
Thanks for sharing the thought
Wonderful day and life to you
Wonderful day and life to you
Find the friend in a stranger…
See the stranger in a friend…
You are indeed your best friend…
And your strangest stranger…
See the stranger in a friend…
You are indeed your best friend…
And your strangest stranger…
First there was Nothing
Nothings what you think it is
THIS is what you thought…
Nothings what you think it is
THIS is what you thought…
I now know Nothing
Much less to worry about
It’s worthwhile knowing
Much less to worry about
It’s worthwhile knowing
When I travel, I grow. Not because I’m comfortable, but because I’m uncomfortable. I’m challenged to observe strangers and strange customs not from a place of judgement, but from a place of curiosity. Thank you Paulo for showing me that I can take this journey nearer to home as well. Today, for instance, I can observe myself from a place of curiosity and wonder. I can talk to strangers on my path. I can be me.
No matter what journey I take ..emotional ,psysical ..even a diet..I am testing myself ..and its about enjoyment and learning about what makes me happy..I can always set boundaries if I meet the big bad wolf … !!
The journey could be inside and the pilgrimage could be to the inner holy center! And believe me the strangers that one will meet in his inner journey are at least as frightening, as interesting and as inspiring as those met in the outside, if not more.
So, just start the journey out or inside.
“Every day is a winding road”
whether you go on a journey or whether you stay in your own town, life is a journey, where there are no strangers, just friends you have not met yet.
I recall my mother always talking to everyone, and it is important to listen , that is my great task and mission, to learn to listen to other people’s stories, it is life’s lessons that you write so well afterwards.
停泊岛大挑战!Perhentian Island Challenge
已经进入第7届的PIC,这一次的挑战,于10月15-17 日在停泊岛的大、小岛同时举行,吸引了近300位国内外参赛者,从最年轻13岁到最年长65岁的各族男女,暂时把工作家人搁下,远离城市,来到东海岸最蓝的海岸线及最洁白的长滩,准备挑战分别13公里的新晋组及20公里的专业组,把体能发挥到极限,把汗水撒在烈日下!
这项由PIC Adventure主办、大马及登嘉楼旅游局、Bubu Resort协办的国际赛,成功地吸引了瑞士、肯亚、戛纳、意大利、菲律宾、台湾、新加坡、韩国、纽西兰、澳洲等地的选手,不惜千里迢迢来马,转机、再乘船来到这个盛夏的小岛比赛。问及为何那么有兴致远道而来参赛,选手们都不约而同地道:喜爱马来西亚的天气和岛上风光。有些选手听说马来西亚有一个这么美丽的小岛,甚至在没有训练下,就慕名而来参赛了。
比赛分成新晋组及专业组。新晋组 (Novice Men and Women) 适合新手或菜鸟参加,难度不高,但征途共13公里长,几乎就是绕岛远行。专业组 (Elite Men & Women) 则更高难度,除了路程更远(20公里),前半段还包括了从Pulau Besar游泳到对面的Pulau Kecil, 风平浪静的话也得花上一个小时游过去。有些参赛者在完成游泳的部份后,都几乎要虚脱了!
大马代表Heidilee(37岁,军人)是PIC的常胜军,分别在2004、05、06、07摘下个人组或双人组的冠军,今年再下一城,以个人身份参与专业组,与非洲及欧洲的长人相比,身高不及180cm的他几乎是矮了一大栽。但是由于熟悉地利的优势,他跑起来格外轻松,结果不负众望,刷新大会时间记录3:30:25的佳绩再次蝉联男子专业组的冠军宝座!女子专业组的冠军是Cheah Meei Meei,保持的时间记录是4:36:22。
新晋组的男子冠军是一名肯亚黑人,Dominic Kroir,32岁,黑黝黝的一双飞毛长腿,首次参加即以1:36:50的记录坐冠,是大会唯一非大马人夺标!女子组Fazilah Abdul Manan则以2:26:10登上宝座。
媒体团合影。 |
摄于Bubu渡假屋。 |
晴空万里的停泊岛。 |
赛会前夕,健儿们海滩嬉水。 |
大集会。 |
聆听路线说明。 |
各国各族的参赛者。 |
美女们也不少哦! |
赛前做好热身,先对着相机一笑! |
原住民也参与赛会。 |
艺人与美眉也参加了。 |
准备好挑战! |
铁人们向前冲! |
要省点气力哦!到终点还要3-4个小时。 |
从大岛游向小岛,耗体力! |
逆浪行游,体力会透支吗? |
专业组的弟兄们,我们上! |
准备!开始~! |
山峰上的太阳能发电风车,从未启动过。 |
醉人的宝石蓝海湾。 |
天堂的阶梯,往上爬感觉却像地狱。 |
健儿们,等你们很久了!加油~! |
Monday, 8 August 2011
水陆空的旅游玩伴~Oris Col Moschin Limited Edition 腕表
时下的年轻人旅游,已日渐脱离传统的旅行团路线,而转向张扬个性化、个人化行程。很多时候,它甚至与跨洲越野、运动、探险结合,上山下海十八般武艺齐出!这个时候,你除了需要质量好的靴子、包包、衣装,你少不了的是一个可以陪你一路上“嘘寒问暖”、高空跳伞到海底深渊,能抵受极度恶劣的天气、环境、压力的腕表——Oris Col Moschin。
超过100年历史的Oris,对钟表的研发技术已达至醇至美、精工至鬼斧神工的境界。这是非一般的瑞士表,它已超越一般名表所衬托的时尚身份地位、而是更进一步将腕表的哲学往Out Door发挥到极致,戴在手腕上,象征一个可以经受得起任何挑战的勇士!Oris 腕表共有航天、潜水、赛车及文化四大系列。
Oris Col Moschin 在媒体们的见证下,于刁曼岛进行军式推介礼,象征不畏热带雨林的荒野、烈日当空的暴晒及惊涛骇浪的恐惧。这一项别具意义的“ 面世“,势必把人的潜能发挥至极限!今天,就到城中各大钟表旗舰店去观赏吧!它就像一个被囚禁的战士,等待你去引领着他重见天日!
KKB雪兰莪河 - 激流划艇如此多FUN!
说好了周末去新古毛玩激流划艇,二话不说,总共17位都会年轻男女,浩浩荡荡开车一个多小时,前往被誉为最干净小镇的新古毛。穿越翠绿的山路,来到雪州主要命脉——雪兰莪河的上游,即将开展一段长约4公里、1-4级的狂野之河,来一场与大自然搏斗的划艇(Water Rafting)征战!
地点:Gua Damai, Batu Caves
“不必飞到Krabi,想要在大自然的石灰山攀岩,就在离开吉隆坡半小时的黑风洞山后的Gua Damai, 那里有一到七级的石壁,适合初学者、大人与小孩的攀岩活动。而且还有奇异的山洞、高低崎岖的山路,一路登顶游览吉隆坡市景,从文明走入绿林,有种恍若隔世的心情。绳降到黑暗无底的深渊、穿上面罩打野战、一路在窄小的山洞爬下,在黑洞中只以一根蜡烛照亮,甚至在完全静谧黑暗的洞中冥想,让钟乳石一滴一滴的纯净水流入我心霏、入口极为甘甜呢!”
从吉隆坡驾车来到黑风洞只需15分钟,从黑风洞到Gua Damai最多再花15分钟。第一
次抵达的朋友可能要耗时更多,还要路径Taman Sri Gombak 的工业区、Pangsapuri
Chepaka、再进入Kampung Wira Damai的马来甘榜,宏伟的Gua Damai 山壁就展现在你眼
要征服这座山,要耗上一整天的时间(9.30am-5.30pm),午餐则在半山享用。我们这一行人,需要动员4个导游及一个领队才能成行(要组团你必须要最少14个人,每人费用RM180 ,包括午膳、登山器材及气枪) 。
片刻的稍息,我们立即进入Ichibawa洞 (我们窃笑,洞名犹如Itchy Bawah,下面痒的意思。事实上是由一名日本登山者发现这个洞口,以他的名字命名)。这洞口很矮,到处滴着山水,我们必须趴着身体,开启安全帽的电筒入内,这个时候若有人放屁,就大煞风景了!
山洞并不很深,领队Mr. Mustapha引领我们到不同的角落,观赏洞内的奇景。不像一般去赏洞,看钟乳石,加上一些七彩灯光的效果,或看到貌似大象、蜗牛等形象等。这一趟进入山洞
午餐后,我们继续登上更高峰,在一个几乎不可能的山崖上,我们绑上绳索,身悬半空吊着往下降,那是一个漆黑、深不见底的洞穴(Chili Padi Cave)!在缓缓下降时,那种感觉犹如深入地狱,自我救赎。是有少少恐怖的感受,当四周的漆黑和内在的黑暗结合,那是一种近乎绝望和撕裂的痛楚,但是又同时上演着惊险和刺激,腺上素大量地排出,这一种体验叫做痛并快乐着!
以为这是行程的结束,谁知只是对了一半,我们还必须穿过另一个窄小、仅容得下一个人往下攀、伴着绳索、石阶的石穴(Fixed Tree Cave),难度甚高的下降,速度只能缓慢,来到洞口有一棵树长在石壁上,鬼斧神工地生长着、绝处逢生!我们再一次吊着身子,一步一步往下降(跳),终于来到平地上.松了一口气之余,下午5.00pm就结束了有惊无险的山崖之旅!
黑风洞的后山,是攀岩圣地。 |
和平洞。 |
穿好安全套装后,出发去啰! |
别有洞天的意境,现在了解了。 |
绳降到80米的深渊,挑战你的腺上素。 |
时间 : 6.00pm
地点 : Carcosa Sri Negara
享受程度 : 5星
美食指数 : 5星
惊喜指数 : 5星
消费指数 : 5星
如果Gua Damai是地狱,那么Carcosa就是浴火重生后的天堂!
从Jalan Parlimen经过国会大厦,在通往KL Central的高架路上转左,Carcosa Sri Negara就坐落在幽静的山坡上,旁边依偎着湖滨公园。它是吉隆坡最有历史价值及代表性、东南亚最美丽的文化遗产酒店之一!
英殖民时期,Carcosa (意思为“尊下的地方”)是总督官邸;1957年马来亚独立后,它成为英国最高专员官邸;1989年这幢美丽洋楼归还马来西亚政府,并作为国家迎宾馆。1990年始,它公开给公众入住、用餐、聚会、办婚礼等活动,是一个周末休闲,却不必去得老远的好地方!
Carcosa 与 Sri Negara均属政府拥有,Carcosa 已暂时关闭,正在进行维修及装修。Sri Negara则是一栋白色的古老豪宅,总共有六间套房,房价从RM600-RM1000++,比起五星级酒店,房价不相上下,但是比起房间的气质、品味、历史价值,曾经是英女皇、东姑阿都拉曼、李鹏、李光耀等大人物住过的房间,还有那考究的装潢,简直就是住在古董里面,远远超越票价!
Sri Negara著名在于它的英式下午茶,我们来到入住时已错过时间,只好把身体洗干净,换上一身亮眼的Smart Casual,就在那舒适豪华的饭厅用晚餐。
幸苦了一整天,这一餐必须好好地款待自己的五脏庙,所以就点了一些法国菜和马来菜,让这个Cross Over在唇齿留香!
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英式大厅。 |
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曾经是公爵宫邸,是英女皇、李鹏、李光耀等名人住过的地方。 |
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享受午后的英式下午茶,人间一大享受。 |
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英式茶杯,古董哦! |
时间 : 10.00pm
地点 : No Black Tie
享受程度 : 5星
精彩指数 : 5星
人潮指数 : 4星
消费指数 : 3星
吉隆坡灯红酒绿的地方很多,真正做到有内涵、有诚意的少之又少。晚饭后时间还早,于是去城中一家爵士酒吧,名叫No Black Tie,意即Smart & Casual 的打扮就能入场了。
No Black Tie靠近Jalan Alor 及 Changkat Bukit Bintang,从Carcosa出发车程约15分钟。
当晚,恰巧金视奖最佳主题曲得奖歌手友弟,在这里办Shanghai Jazz音乐会。我们的年代没有Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, 潘秀琼太遥远,蔡琴偶尔出现,所幸我们还有友弟,让她的经典歌曲带我们到记忆的边界。恭喜她苦尽甘来,历经沧桑的声音是有韵味的。忘了第几次听她现场的演唱,有些旋律,还是会感动满满的。现场听她清唱《发花》,很真实很惊叹。
友弟的上海之夜。 |
古色古香的唱腔,绕梁三日。 |
好朋友共聚一堂。 |
地点:Bukit Gasing, Jalan Gasing, PJ.
惊险程度 : 1星
有趣指数 : 4星
人潮指数 : 2星
消费指数 : 0星(免费)
早上的Sri Negara空气非常清新怡人,阳光在蔓延,莫负了良辰美景,我们用过早餐后,一身劲装准备往加星山出发。因为要去探访虫虫,拍昆虫特写,所以摄影器材都需要带齐。
Sri Negara出来大路,经过博物馆,弯下去Jalan Maha Meru通往Federal Highway, 过了雪州大门(经过Mid Valley, Angkasapuri后不远),靠左上天桥再转左往Jalan Gasing, 到达了一件庙宇就转左上斜坡。大约一公里就看到入口处,就在一棵大树下。
不像Gua Damai,来加星山是不必考验体力的,即使短裤凉鞋也适当。从入口处一路向前走,慢慢留意两旁。每一棵植物、甚至每一片叶子,都藏有虫子。这个行程,是为了让我们放慢生活的脚步(慢活),注意身边的每一个细节。
要拍摄昆虫特写,建议带105MARCO--2.8以上的镜头,可以找Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D AF Macro、SIGMA 105mm F2.8 EX DG 、Tokina 100mm F2.8 、 Tamron 90mm F2.8或其他副厂品牌的,拍出来的效果和景深都很理想。
蟋蟀,好帅! |
向日葵,好美的排列。 |
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蚊虫的弱肉强食。 |
地点:Taman Selera (PJ Old Town 巴刹隔壁)
惊喜程度 : 4星
美食指数 : 5星
种类指数 : 4星
消费指数 : 1星
加星山出来大路,沿着天桥底下到Assunta医院交通圈,转12点,再走不到500米的交通灯,Taman Selera小贩中心就在右则。
PJ Old Town 就是八打灵的发源地,而这个旧巴刹已存在近半个世纪了!来到Taman Selera找吃,真像回到小镇的感觉,所有小贩都是第一和第二代辛勤地在坚守了数十年,敬业乐业,完全看不到外劳在代劳。每次来到这里,即使事过境迁,道地的口味总不变!
最爱的红豆冰,有初恋的感觉哦! |
酱蒸鱼头,许多人的心头爱。 |
这不是西式的野牛翅膀吗? |
道地的客家酿豆腐,正!赞! |
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